Saturday, November 8, 2008


I was trying to shake myself out of my rut today. Usually, on Saturday nights I eat a very early dinner (cereal, as a rule) and go to bed by 7:30 PM in order to awaken very early for my opera show Sunday morning. I was not in the mood for that senario and went to the mall with my husband.While he took a walk I thought I would try a simple dinner at one of the fast food outlets. This turned out to be a disastrous error. I ordered a chicken sandwich, which was so salty, I should have returned it to the counter. I didn't and just sat there and ate it because I was hungry. Actually the place was fairly peaceful-----until, about a third of the way through my salty repast, three teenagers sat down in front of me. One of them, a very young woman, was carrying a crying baby. If I had had any brains, I would have thrown away the nasty sandwich and skedaddled out of there. But I decided to see what would happen next. What I witnessed was beyond my wildest nightmares. The young woman put the baby down on the chair next to hers and proceeded to change the baby's diaper....right there in the restaurant ! There was no way that I could miss this because I was facing them. After the baby was changed, she picked the baby up and left the dirty diaper on the seat. And then she began her meal without excusing herself to wash her hands.

What has happened to people's sense of decorum,consideration, and sanitation?? Don't people have common sense anymore? Should we all accept this behavior?